Manage your pregnancy in a safe & effective way.

During Pregnancy


Acupuncture provides a safe, effective and drug free way to treat many of the common complaints during pregnancy. Morning sickness, nausea, heartburn, constipation, migraine and other headaches, back pain, sciatica and fatigue can all be helped with acupuncture and many symptoms can be relieved with just a few treatments. Acupuncture can also help with breech presentation.


Labor Preparation


Getting regular acupuncture treatments as part of a routine pre-labor protocol have been shown to shorten the duration of labor and reduce c-sections and other interventions when women receive regular pre-labor treatments beginning at 36 weeks. Having weekly pre-labor treatments can help you go into labor “on time” and avoid medical inductions.

It’s best to start earlier in pregnancy since the treatments have a cumulative effect on getting you ready for labor – not to mention the sessions can be very relaxing. The results are not meant to send you into labor instantly. However, if you are already past your due date you should come in as soon as possible.


During Labor


Acupuncture and acupressure can be helpful during labor to manage pain and keep labor progressing smoothly. Partners are welcome to attend a prenatal acupuncture session to help learn acupressure techniques to be used before and during labor. We have gotten great feedback from moms and partners that using acupressure was tremendously helpful during labor.

Recommended Reading:

Acupuncture For Pre-birth Treatment An Observational Study of its use in Midwifery practice

Acupuncture for VBAC


My first child was born via emergency c-section, which was not what I had planned! I set out to attempt a VBAC with my second, and in doing so, spent many hours researching and doing everything I could in order to make it happen.

I had a successful VBAC in 2013, and I am deeply committed to helping other moms achieve their goal. I also recognize that vaginal delivery is not always possible, and I have no judgement on any “best” way to give birth.

Acupuncture can help prepare the body for labor in many ways, and I feel strongly that it is helpful both for labor and the postpartum period as well.

For additional information, please visit ICAN.


Labor Doula Services


In addition to acupuncture, we believe a doula is a game changer for labor support.

Juniper Wellness is not offering labor doula services at this time, but we are happy to share our vast list of resources to help you find the best fit for you. Get in touch!

A doula is not meant to replace the husband or partner but rather acts as an advocate for the mother’s wishes, helping provide the best birth experience.

Special Pre-Labor
Acupuncture Package

Juniper Wellness offers a discounted package of pre-labor sessions, which can also be used postpartum.

Want to learn more?
Let’s connect.